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Tag Archives: Russia

UK banks ‘handled’ $740 mn in laundered Russian money

London, United Kingdom | AFP | Several British banks processed nearly $740 million in a multi-billion dollar Russian money-laundering scam, The Guardian newspaper said on Monday. According to documents obtained by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, at least $20 billion was moved out of Russia between 2010 and 2014 …

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No Russian links found with Trump campaign

‘No evidence of collusion’ between Trump campaign, Russia: US lawmaker Washington, United States | AFP | A congressional panel so far has found “no evidence” that Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election, its chairman said Sunday, ahead of testimony by the head of the FBI on …

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Trump defiant as new Russia ties emerge

Washington, United States | AFP | An avalanche of new revelations about ties between Donald Trump’s aides and Russia forced the White House back on the offensive Friday, overshadowing a presidential weekend trip to Florida and his well-received major speech. Before heading to his Mar-a-Lago resort for the fourth time …

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US attorney general Sessions recuses self from Trump campaign probes

Washington, United States | AFP |  Embattled US Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Thursday that he would recuse himself from any investigations into President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign. But after receiving a strong endorsement from Trump, Sessions did not bow to pressure to step down over charges he lied …

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Russian jets mistakenly bomb US-backed forces in Syria

Washington, United States | AFP | Russian warplanes bombed US-backed fighters in several small villages in northern Syria after they mistakenly thought Islamic State forces were in the area, a US general said Wednesday. Army Lieutenant General Stephen Townsend said Russian and Syrian regime aircraft attacked the villages to the …

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Russia, China veto UN resolution on Syria sanctions

United Nations, United States | AFP | Russia and China on Tuesday vetoed a Western-backed UN resolution that would have imposed sanctions on Syria over chemical weapons use, in the first clash at the Security Council since US President Donald Trump took office. The twin vetoes came as peace talks …

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Russian and Libyan state oil giants sign deal

London, United Kingdom | AFP |  Russia’s Rosneft oil giant has paved the way for investment in Libya’s oil sector by signing a Cooperation Framework Agreement with the National Oil Corporation of Libya, it was announced Tuesday. The agreement was signed Monday on the sidelines of London’s International Petroleum Week …

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Russia calls for ‘post-West’ world order

Munich, Germany | AFP |  Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called Saturday for an end to a world order dominated by the West and said Moscow wanted to establish a “pragmatic” relationship with the United States. Lavrov was speaking at the Munich Security Conference shortly after US Vice President Mike …

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