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Mwambustya Ndebesa

COMMENT: NRM’S loss of direction

COMMENT: By Mwambutysa Ndebesa Recent ambassadorial appointments show domestic political calculations trumping ideological clarity The NRM government, and President Yoweri Museveni in particular, prides in being a president that is ideologically anchored. The President always says that his political actions are informed and guided by his beliefs and ideology. And …

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Parties underdeveloped Uganda

By Mwambutsya Ndebesa The politics of patronage by Museveni is exactly similar to that of previous UPC governments The Daily Monitor, Tuesday March 15, 2016 under the heading, `Don’t give opposition government business deals—NRM boss’, the NRM Chairman; a one Karangwa, warned Kayunga District officials against awarding any state contracts …

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Copyrighting ‘Another Rap’ is theft of Banyankore cultural property

By Mwambustya Ndebesa President Yoweri Museveni has applied to the Registration Service Bureau for exclusive intellectual property rights over the Banyankore Children’s rhyme song under the title “Another Rap”. For the non-Banyankore the general perception is that the two songs/rhymes/poems were a composition of Museveni. Those two songs/rhymes are old …

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