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Home / NEWS / MPs, Attorney General clash over fate of Anti-Gay Bill

MPs, Attorney General clash over fate of Anti-Gay Bill

Kiryowa Kiwanuka

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Members of Parliament have accused the Attorney General of frustrating the Anti-Homosexuality Bill that was unanimously passed by the House last month.

It has emerged that the Deputy Attorney General, Jackson Karugaba Kafuuzi, also the Kyaka South County Member of Parliament wrote to the President ‘disassociating’ the Attorney General’s office from the Bill and advised the President not to assent to it.

Solomon Silwany, the Bukooli County Central MP told the House during a plenary sitting that he was in possession of a leaked letter written by Kafuuzi to the President, advising him not to assent to the Bill that has been transmitted to him by the Clerk to Parliament.

Silwany sought the advice of the Speaker, Thomas Tayebwa if it was procedurally right for Kafuuzi to act contrary to the position of the House that unanimously passed the Bill, and yet he never raised any objections at the time.

Cecilia Atim Ogwal, the Dokolo District Woman MP raised a procedural matter seeking to know why the President is delaying assent to the Bill while the country is anxiously waiting.

Buhweju County Member of Parliament, Francis Mwijukye, collaborated fears of the legislators citing a pending caucus meeting of NRM MPs to discuss the bill on Thursday at State House Entebbe.

Kiryowa Kiwanuka, the Attorney General, without divulging the content of the letter, admitted that his deputy wrote the letter and urged the House not to interfere with the legislative process.

However, citing Article 91 of the Constitution, Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa pointed out that the matter at hand is at the discretion of the President to either take the advice rendered to him or reject it and return the Bill to the House for reconsideration.

On 21 Tuesday, March 2023, Parliament unanimously passed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill which outlined severe punitive measures against anyone who engages in acts of homosexuality, including a 20-year jail sentence, and a maximum death penalty for anyone engaging in aggravated homosexuality.

The Private Member’s Bill was introduced by Bugiri Municipality Member of Parliament, Asuman Basalirwa on 9 March 2023. It also prohibits acts that expose children to homosexuality by imposing a 10-year prison sentence on a person found to recruit a child into the vice.

Further, the Bill seeks to penalize an owner, occupier, or manager of premises who knowingly allows the premises to be used for acts of homosexuality with a 10-year prison sentence upon conviction.

Also, a person who contracts a marriage with a person of the same sex presides over a same-sex marriage ceremony, or knowingly participates in the preparation of such a marriage is liable on conviction, to a 10-year prison sentence.

Notably, several activists opposed the Bill arguing that the law is regressive and does not meet human rights standards.





  1. Hmm 🤔

    This attorney General behaviour is very strange. Could it be that he’s one of the homosexuals operating in darkness??? These are the kind of people who supports such wicked actions in the country and might bring God’s judgement to the nation.

    That attorney General should be ready to face the wrath of God. He must repent him and his deputy. These are wolves in sheep clothing. Very dangerous to the country.


    • rene pierre lafreniere

      Your God also says that we are all in his image. By scaring LGBT community you will end up with more HIV because the Ugandans and especially the younger generation will go under the radar and they will be too scared to talk, to express themself that you’ll see the HIV, hepatitis, young pregnancy and suicide growing in all class of the population.
      Please could you separate religious conviction from politics and government?

      • African wisdom considers caution to be a virtue
        “We saw HIV moving on foot from urban to rural settings”
        We know that else where men who relate with fellow men (MSM) have a high risk of getting HIV

        There is care and support services, the positively

        These young people who already have, what was the source of blood and body fluids containing HIV and Hepatitis that they acquired?
        So they are transmitting and if they go under it will be worse!!?

        But we are at a level of test and treat, the routes of acquiring infection are well known ( no need of hiding)

        If this is risky behaviour how come it is very endeared?

        “Jumping like the previous partipant may land the next one in a deep ditch”

        This miserable native is saying , I am poor but wish to live long to see the great grand children . What is the use of looking exotic only to expire before time?

        No religion, politics or government, it is survival of the fittest;
        “the animals that pick the sound of a horn from a hunter and run for dear life, live to tell the story”

        So much for the fire place

  2. The human rights of some seem to be more important
    The custodians of the law should draft another law, making very light the punishment of those who cannot bear the pain of seeing their own traumatised children and act out of impulse at the hour of need
    These parents are being placed between a rock and a hard place

    Curses of a hen, even the Eagle comes down

    • Let those who believe in any practice read about human subjects in the conduct of research
      Whatever your beliefs may be:
      You cannot blind us to the fact that minors, the vulnerable and needy are being harmed

      The anal sphincter evolved to keep excrement until when the need to discharge it arises: you are free to introduce change but only among those who are able to consent , and only after explaining to them the benefits and outcome of that change. They should be able to withdraw and will not be penalised.

      So when you introduce to those below consent age, the needy, incarcerated that is a crime. Even those old enough must be capable of understanding the harm and accept to suffer that harm

      If I am suffering from HiV do I have to declare that I am of a certain orientation? So it is a lie that people will be denied care.

      Even the loss of tightness, wounds, infections are presented to healthcare workers who have taken oath not to discriminate

      Some people asking for research, when numbers of cases suddenly rise, it becomes an epidemic; we do not have to compare with numbers of rape etc. Incidentally if there were no complainants then no body would talk about this private life

      How private is it when you take somebody’s daughter to church and you expect her to comply with your orientation?

      A hollow, flabby, leaking, and whitened end of the tube, the bearer frail and wasted. Attendants crest fallen, how can one forget ?!

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