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Tag Archives: obama

15 years on, the Afghan war still defies US timelines

Washington, United States | AFP | Fifteen years after the US invasion of Afghanistan, President Barack Obama and the American military have dug in for a long campaign that defies rigid timelines and easy barometers of victory. On October 7, 2001, in response to the 9/11 attacks, President George W. …

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US Congress rejects Obama’s veto of Saudi 9/11 bill

Washington, United States | AFP | The US Congress voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to override Barack Obama’s veto of a bill allowing 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, the first such rebuke of his eight-year presidency. The Senate overrode the veto in a 97-1 vote, followed a short time later by …

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Obama hits at populist strongmen in last UN address

United Nations, United States | AFP | Barack Obama used his farewell UN address Tuesday to castigate strongmen and populists, taking aim at Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump’s rise at home. Obama told the UN General Assembly that democracy was a better path toward prosperity than the “crude populism” …

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Under fire Trump admits Obama is American

Washington, United States | AFP |    After years of fueling conspiracy theories, Republican White House nominee Donald Trump admitted Friday that President Barack Obama is an American as he tried to neutralize damaging charges of racism. But he also stepped up attacks against his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, accusing …

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Obama, Bill step in for pneumonia-hit Clinton

Washington, United States | AFP |  Former and current US presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama join the campaign trail Tuesday for Hillary Clinton, standing in for the Democratic White House hopeful while she recovers from pneumonia. Clinton is set to return to the fray on Friday after several days …

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Obama: ‘We’re going to carry Hillary to victory’

Philadelphia, United States | AFP | President Barack Obama on Wednesday urged Democrats to carry onetime rival Hillary Clinton to victory in November as America’s first woman president, while savaging her Republican opponent Donald Trump for fueling hate and division. The two-term president rallied his party’s faithful at their national …

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I’m voting Trump, says Obama’s Kenyan half-brother

Nairobi, Kenya | AFP | US President Barack Obama’s half-brother said Tuesday he was going to vote for Republican candidate Donald Trump in this year’s American election, saying he felt let down his sibling’s neglect of his Kenyan family. Obama was born in Hawaii to an American mother and a …

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Obama, Sanders make case for Clinton at chaotic convention

Philadelphia, United States | AFP | Democratic power players Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders offered contrasting heartfelt and hard-headed endorsements of Hillary Clinton Monday, imploring a riven and feisty party convention to unite against Donald Trump. As polls showed Trump ahead of Clinton in the race to the White House, …

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America’s war on its black citizens

Slavery in America may have ended but the US state has reproduced it through mass incarceration of blacks and police violence in poor black communities due to its hidden economic gains  THE LAST WORD: By Andrew M. Mwenda Recent events in the United States; where police shot and killed two …

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